BBC: Granny's new robes: A princess, a fairy and a scientist
May 2, 2017
Indian artist and activist Jasmeen Patheja always wanted to be a photographer. So years ago, when her grandmother Inderjit Kaur said she wished she had been an actor, the two decided to fulfil each other's dreams. And the result of their collaboration is "Indri and I" - a stunning portfolio of images that shows the 85-year-old dressed in fantastic costumes.
Vice: When Taking a Nap Is a Political Act
Jan 16, 2016
As part of the annual "Meet to Sleep" event, this weekend women across India will embark on a nerve-racking endeavor in the fight against sexual harassment: taking a nap in a public park.
CityLab: Can a Couple of Tables Make Bangalore's 'Rapist Lane' Safe Again?
July 3, 2013
They call it Rapist Lane, this short stretch of street in Bangalore near the Srishti School of Art and Design. It earned that nickname because after dark, men tend to hang out here in their cars or with their motorbikes, drinking and harassing or molesting women who dare to pass.
Like so many of India’s public spaces, it is a place where encounters between strangers can be tense and scary, where a figure in the shadows can quickly become an assailant, where women regard men with justifiable fear.
DML Central: Human Rights and Social Media in India: Blank Noise
Oct 21, 2013
On a recent visit to Sarai, a Delhi research think tank housed in the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, I met a number of female university students who described participating in the mass protests that occurred after a 23-year-old physiotherapy student was raped and murdered in what many perceived as an event that unleashed a torrent of dissent to express longstanding dissatisfaction about lax policing and prosecution of crimes against women in India.